One of the advantages to get the job you want is a well written and formatted CV. In the following lines we will describe some basic tips for a successful CV.
Detailed study of the company you are applying for
Preliminary research on the specific employer will give you a guide to their current needs for new employees, and the qualities they are looking for in their employees. You can start your research by visiting the company's website, by going to the " About Us" page. There you will be able to read the history, services and products offered.
Visit the social media accounts - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Quite often, by reading the comments, you get a general idea of the company, its policies, wanted staff and its clients.
Visiting the company's website and social media profiles will help you build a CV to meet the requirements and get to know future colleagues and employers.
Add references from a past employer, teacher or mentor
The reference should be from an old employer who can vouch for your experience and skills. And if you haven't worked before, the reference could be from a teacher or mentor.
It should state the skills, qualities, areas of knowledge and positive aspects you possess. It is a good idea to include examples supporting the positive qualities described above.
Design with the right font
It should be easy to read and not too dense. Choose a size between 10 and 12, that way you won't cause fatigue in the reader's eyes. The preferred font is Arial, Verdana, Calibri and Times New Roman. Leave blanks to use to highlight information.
By following INFILMIT's written recommendations, you get closer to being invited to a one-on-one interview to secure your dream position.